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Privacy statement and terms of use

Privacy statement | Website terms and conditions of use | Contractual terms and conditions for World Vision products and services

Privacy statement

In this privacy statement, we describe how we process the personal data of our actual and potential clients as well as that of our stakeholders. By clients, we mean both our donors and those who are World Vision clients, as described below.

The intention of World Vision is to ensure that the data subject’s personal data is processed responsibly whilst respecting privacy and informed self-determination.

World Vision complies with good data processing practices, legislation and government regulations in the processing of personal data.

This Privacy Statement is based on the EU Data Protection Regulation and supplementary Finnish data protection legislation.

1. Controller

World Vision Nordic ry (Business ID: 0533334- 9)
Lautatarhankatu 6
FI-00580 Helsinki, FINLAND
Tel. +358 (0)96 818300

Contact person in matters concerning data protection:
Minna Clergeaud (

2. What do we mean by various terms?

By “data subject”, we mean the person whose personal data is processed by us in our personal data register.

By “personal data”, we mean any information related to an identified or identifiable natural person, i.e. the data subject, such as name, address, email, telephone number, and donation or other transaction history.

By “client”, we mean those consumers and contact persons of companies and other entities (hereinafter the “company”) with whom we have a donor or other client relationship, or no more than four calendar years have elapsed since the termination of such a relationship.

By “potential clients”, we mean consumers and business contacts with whom we seek to establish a new donor or other client relationship, or to renew a donor or other client relationship that ended more than four years ago.

By “stakeholders”, we mean individuals who have a non-client relationship with us, such as partners who volunteer to provide services to us, media representatives in our press releases, and our target group for social impact.

3. For what purposes do we process your personal data?

As controller, we process the data subjects’ personal data for the following purposes (one or more at the same time):

  • Maintenance, analysis and development of a client and/or stakeholder relationship

We may use your personal data in order to manage, analyse and develop a client and/or stakeholder relationship with you or the company you represent.

  • Supply of products and services

We may use your personal data for the supply of products and services in the event that, for example, you yourself have purchased a product or service from us or the company you represent has done so; or you or the company otherwise use our digital services, or have subscribed to our newsletter or participated in our events. Personal data is used for the implementation of rights and obligations based on the contract or other commitment between the controller and the client.

  • Client and stakeholder communications

We may use your personal information in our client- and stakeholder-based communications; for instance, to send you notifications about products and services (such as information about receiving a donation, using a donation, sponsored child, sponsorship or work performed with regular donations, development co-operation and generally with regard to World Vision operations), provide information on changes made to products and services, and to solicit feedback, as well as in various stakeholder-related communications.

  • Marketing

We may contact you to announce new products, services and benefits. We may conduct telemarketing as well as marketing by post, unless you have prohibited these. We may send you direct electronic marketing by email and/or text messages either with your consent or, if you are a client, as based on your customer relationship, unless you have prohibited this.

We may use personal data for the tailoring of our range and to offer relevant content. This means that we may, for example, make recommendations or display tailored content and customised ads in our own and third-party services.

  • Development of products and services

We may use your personal information to develop our products and services; for example, to make our selection more attractive to our clients.

  • Generating customer service for existing and potential clients

We may record Customer Service telephone calls as well as other communications engaged in with Customer Service, such as email / text messages and chat discussions. Recordings can be used to verify Customer Service events and for the training of related personnel. The recordings are destroyed when no longer needed for the above-mentioned purposes. Only those persons entitled to process the personal data concerned deal with these recorded communications.

The legal basis for the processing of personal data is found in the following paragraphs of Article 6 of the EU Data Protection Regulation:

  • the processing is necessary for the execution of a contract to which you are a party or for taking pre-contractual measures at your request;
  • processing is necessary for the protection of the legitimate interests of the controller or of a third party, except where your interests or your fundamental rights and freedoms requiring the protection of personal data override such interests;
  • you have given your consent for the processing of your personal data for one or more purposes; and/or
  • such processing is necessary to observe a legislated obligation on the part of the controller.

As controller, we deal with your information to fulfil the contract made with you or the company you represent (e.g. the implementation of a donation, online purchase or digital service).

As controller, we have legitimate interests in the conduct of our business, such as the right to promote our products and services through marketing and sales. On the basis of legitimate interest, we may practise direct marketing and sales by utilising your contact information. Our other legitimate interests on the basis of which your personal data may be processed include counselling and other customer service to non-clients, the further development of our operations, and the investigation of possible misuse.

If the processing of data does not rest on contractual need or legitimate interests, we may, as controller, request your consent for other handling of personal information.

In addition, we may process your personal data if required by the legislation, such as, e.g. on the basis of the Accounting Act and Money Collection Act with respect to storage and/or accountability.

4. Which types of information can we process?

As controller, the personal data we collect may contain, among other things, the following types of information and changes made to them:

4.1. Basic information on the data subject

  • first name and surname
  • contact details (postal address, email address, telephone numbers)
  • age
  • gender
  • language
  • communications targeted to the data subject as well as related activity
  • direct marketing choices
  • information concerning the use of the controller’s digital services as well as the data subject’s content generated for services
  • information on cookies and other similar functions sent to the data subject’s terminals (such as computers and mobile devices) and the data collected by them, if the person can be identified on the basis of this information
  • the recording of possible Customer Service telephone calls as well as Customer Service-related, stored email and online chats in, for example, social media channels

4.2. Additional information regarding representatives of companies

  • the name of the enterprise in whose employ the representative is, as well as other necessary identifying information
  • title and/or job description

4.3. Information on data subjects who have ordered and/or purchased our products and services, given feedback on them, and/or made a formal complaint about them, as well as information on participants in training and other events

  • starting/ending dates and type of client relationship or similar
  • client and/or sponsor number
  • client-targeted campaigns and offers as well as their use
  • purchase and/or donation-related payment and monetary amount details, etc.
  • objects of interest reported by the client and other information (incl. client group classification)
  • information about the object that the client is assisting by means of donation
  • content of feedback and formal complaints, related correspondence, and continued measures
  • information on training and other events and related travel, such as travel document information and health information (information provided by the data subject with his/her consent), such as food allergies and information related to accessibility

4.4. Additional information regarding data subjects belonging to stakeholders

  • stakeholder type and content (e.g. volunteer, service provider, object of social influence)
  • information on stakeholder communications and other communications addressed to the data subject

4.5. Other types of additional information

  • information on the testator of the bequest and personal data contained in the testament, as well as, if necessary, the parties of the death estate and/or administrator of the estate and executor of the will

5. From which sources do we collect your personal data?

As controller, we obtain a large part of your personal data from you at the start of and during the client relationship, as well as from those programs by which you use our products and services.

As controller, we also receive personal information and updates from authorities and organisations that provide services for obtaining and updating personal and credit information, as well as from public directories and other public information sources, such as websites and social media channels. We also collect personal information from data subjects for marketing purposes in connection with various activations, such as lotteries, contests, surveys or events (by the controller or its affiliates).

We can obtain your personal data in, for instance, sponsor activities from the person initiating sponsorship, i.e., e.g. the guardian paying for sponsor activity may provide us with information on an underaged person appointed as a sponsor.

We receive personal data regarding representatives of companies also from their colleagues, i.e. the company’s main contact person may relinquish personal data to us also with respect to persons connected with the use of our other products and services.

6. To whom can we distribute your personal data?

As controller, we do not issue, sell or otherwise reveal your personal data to external third parties unless otherwise mentioned in the following.

We may share your personal data with third parties that render services for us, i.e. to processors of personal data. These services may be, for example, client acquisition, customer service, software services, research operations, marketing, and the production of events. We may share your personal information in order to charge you for products and services, and we may, for example, transfer or sell unpaid invoices to third parties that provide collection services.

The protection of your personal information is important to us, and we do not allow such parties to use the information for any purpose other than to provide the agreed services, and we require the parties to protect the personal information in accordance with this privacy statement and applicable law.

As controller, we can share your personal data with our partners, with whom we collaboratively manage and implement projects. The contact information (first name and surname, address and sponsor number) of clients who have become sponsors is delivered to the country where the sponsored child resides, so that the communication between the sponsor and sponsored child can be realised. The transfer of data occurs on an encrypted basis using World Vision’s internal data system to which contact information is also entered and stored.

As controller, we may share your personal data in connection with a merger and acquisition transaction or in transferring the product/service to another service provider. We may share your personal data as a result of the order by a court of law or equivalent.

7. Do we transfer your personal data beyond the EU region?

As controller, we may, in offering products and services, utilise resources and servers located in various parts of the world, such as, e.g. different softwares for processing client information and for client communications. In this context, we may transfer your personal data outside the country where our products and services are in use and possibly also to countries external to the EU that have different data protection laws.

In these cases, we as controller ensure that there is a legal basis for the transfer of data and that the user’s personal data is protected by, for example, applying (where appropriate) standard agreements and processing agreements approved by the relevant authorities, as well as by requiring observation of the appropriate technical and other data protection measures.

8. How long do we process your personal data?

As controller, we process your personal data as long as we have one of the criteria described in section 3 of the privacy statement in effect on the processing of information, as well as a reasonable period afterwards.

We may process clients’ personal data for the duration of the client relationship as well as until the end of the fourth year following the year the client relationship ends. After this, we can transfer your relevant personal data to the marketing register and treat you again as a potential client.

We can treat the personal data of potential clients on a temporary basis until you become a client or until you demand your information to be removed from our marketing register.

On the basis of the storage obligations in the legislation (for instance, the Accounting Act and Fundraising Act), we store your personal data in accordance with the regulations that are valid at the time.

9. How can you exercise your rights in connection with your personal data?

As a data subject, you have various types of possibilities to affect the processing of your personal data. For the most part, we implement your request within one month. Please see the contact details provided in section 1 of this privacy statement with respect to the exercise of your rights. The rights you have are (the scope of the rights depends on the basis on which the processing of your personal data is based, i.e. not all the rights below are available to you in all situations):

a) The right to obtain access to the personal data collected about you. On the basis of your appropriate and recognised request, we supply you with a report on the personal data that has been collected about you for the personal data register.

b) The right to request the correction or removal of personal data collected about you. If you notice errors or deficiencies in your information, you can send a request for rectification to us.

c) The right to request the removal of personal data collected about you. We are obliged to delete the personal data you have requested from our personal data register if any of the following criteria are met and no other legislation or official regulation imposes an obligation to retain the data:

  1. the personal data is no longer needed for the purposes for which it was processed;
  2. you cancel your given consent and the processing has no other legal basis;
  3. you object to the processing in relation to your specific personal situation and there is no valid reason for the processing in general or to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes;
  4. your personal data is processed in a manner contrary to law;
  5. your personal data must be removed in order to comply with a legislative obligation applied on the controller as based on a ruling from a European Union court or in accordance with Finnish legislation;
  6. your personal data has been collected in connection with the offering of information society-based services such as in connection with subscription to the controller’s digital information services.

d) The right to request restriction of personal data collected about you. You can request us as controller to restrict the processing of your personal data in the event that:

  1. you dispute the accuracy of your personal data as held by the controller;
  2. the processing is contrary to law and you demand restriction in lieu of removal;
  3. the controller no longer needs the personal data concerned for the purposes of processing but you need it for the formulation, presentation or defence of a legal claim;
  4. you have objected to the processing of personal data pending verification that the legitimate grounds of the controller override your grounds.

e) The right to object to the processing of personal data related to you. If, as controller, we process your data on the basis of a legitimate interest, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data on the basis of your specific personal situation. All persons in the registers covered by this privacy statement have the right to object to the processing of their personal data for direct marketing purposes.

f) The right to transfer information from one system to another. If the automatic processing of your personal data is based on consent or agreement, you have the right to receive the personal data you provide to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable form, as well as the right to transfer that data to another controller.

g) The right to cancel consent. In the event that all or part of your personal data is processed in this register on the basis of your consent as provided, you shall have the right to cancel the consent you have given.

h) The right to make a complaint to a supervisory authority. If a possible dispute regarding the processing of your personal data cannot be settled amicably between you and the controller, you shall have the right to take the matter to the Data Protection Authority for resolution.

10. Which country’s law applies to the processing of your data?

Finnish legislation and EU legislation directly applicable in Finland, such as the EU Data Protection Regulation, apply to the controller’s personal data registers and the processing of personal data contained therein.

11. How can we update our privacy statement?

As controller, we are developing our functions continuously, and this may also result in changes related to the processing of personal data. We update as required our privacy statement to accommodate changed operational modes. Changes may also be based on legal amendments. We recommend that you acquaint yourself with the content of our privacy statement regularly.

If, as controller, we begin to process your personal information for a purpose other than that for which it was collected, we will notify you of this and the updated privacy statement prior to such further processing. With respect to other changes, we will report the updating of the privacy statement on our website.

This Privacy statement is last updated on 4th March 2022.

Privacy statement | Website terms and conditions of use | Contractual terms and conditions for World Vision products and services

Website terms and conditions of use

By opening the website, you agree to follow these terms and conditions of use. Use of the website is not permitted if you do not accept these terms and conditions of use.

1. General

Welcome to the website!

These terms and conditions (hereinafter “the Terms”) specific to the website (“the Website”) shall be applied between the website and the organisation producing its various content for various purposes, i.e. World Vision Nordic ry (“the Service Provider”), and the visitors to the Website (“the User”).

In the event that a visitor uses the Services available by logging into the Website or makes purchases or orders through the Website, the terms and conditions of World Vision’s products and services shall apply, in addition to these Terms.

Clients are both those persons who use the Website for their own use and those who use the Website as representatives of other interests (such as their employer).

2. Service provider, language of communications and client support

World Vision Nordic ry (“the Service Provider”)
(Business ID: 0533334-9)
Lautatarhankatu 6, FI-00580 Helsinki, FINLAND
Tel. +358 (0)96 818300

Contact person in matters concerning use of the Website:
Minna Clergeaud (

Communications on the Website take place by choice of the Client with the language selection available on the Website (currently Finnish). Customer Service is provided in Finnish and English.

3. Who can use the Website?

The Website can be used by both consumers and persons employed by business enterprises and other associations.

The publicly available sections of the Website are freely available for use to all.

4. Which responsibilities does the User of the Website have in connection with its use?

The User attends to and is responsible for using the Website him/herself for non-commercial purposes, and shall not in any way, in whole or in part, present the content of the Website publicly or share it with third parties other than by sharing a link to the Website.

By sending material to one of the Service Provider’s servers by, for example, email or via the Website, the User agrees and confirms that:

a. the material delivered by the User is not illegal or otherwise ineligible for publication;

b. prior to delivery, the User has applied reasonable precautions to find and remove viruses or other contaminated elements possibly contained within the material; and

c. the material is either the User’s own or the User has the unlimited right to disclose it to the Service Provider and to grant the Service Provider the rights to use materials to the appropriate extent in, for example, its communications or marketing; and

d. The User does not make any claims against the Service Provider based on the material sent by the User, and undertakes to reimburse the Service Provider for any costs that may be incurred by a third party as a result of the material sent by the User.

The Service Provider does not inspect the content of the material sent by the User, nor is the Service Provider responsible for it. The Service Provider may, at its discretion, at any time remove the material from the Website that has been delivered by the User.

5. Which responsibilities do we have as Service Provider?


The Website may have links to pages owned or maintained by third parties. In transferring to these types of pages, the User must familiarise him/herself with and approve their potential terms and conditions of use before initiating use. By transferring to the linked pages, the User also accepts that the pages concerned are not under the control of the Service Provider, neither does the Service Provider have any possibilities to affect the content of the publish material with them.

The Service Provider is not responsible for any material contained on third-party websites. The inclusion of a third-party link external to the Service Provider on the Service Provider’s pages also does not imply that the Service Provider endorses or promotes these pages or the products/services mentioned therein in any way.

The Service Provider endeavours to ensure that the Website is available 24/7. The Service Provider is not responsible for ensuring that the Website is continuously in use without any disturbance. Interruptions can be caused by both planned update and other technical procedures and unanticipated breaks in Website usage. The Service Provider attempts to restore the operations of the Website without delay if the interruption is connected with a matter within the Service Provider’s sphere of influence.

The Service Provider is not responsible for third-party content on the Website. The Service Provider is not responsible for the services provided by third parties, operation of the telecommunications network or other functional parts, and their potential impact on the functionality of the Website.

The Service Provider is obliged to compensate the User only for such direct, substantiated damage caused by the Service Provider with respect to negligent procedure in violation of the law or the contract by the Service Provider. This kind of direct damage is customarily the direct expenses caused by clarifying the damage, such as postal and telephone-related costs. The Service Provider is not liable to the User or a third party for indirect damage caused, such as financial damage or non-obtained profit.

The User does not have the right to receive compensation if the User does not, within a reasonable period, report the defect to the Service Provider and present a demand for compensation as well as evidence of the damage incurred.

The Service Provider is not liable for actions by the User or third parties, or damage incurred by these. The Service Provider shall be released from his contractual and indemnification obligations if the performance of the contract is prevented or delayed by force majeure beyond the Service Provider’s control. The terms concerning the limitation of liability shall not limit the rights arising from compelling legislation for the consumer Client.

6. Intellectual property rights

The intellectual property rights of the Website and the materials and logos contained therein belong to the Service Provider and third parties, and the rights of the Website otherwise belong to the Service Provider or partners of the same.

The website contains materials protected by copyright. All rights that are not specifically granted in these Terms shall be reserved. No part of this site may be copied, retransmitted, reposted, duplicated or otherwise used without the prior written permission of the Service Provider, except as provided in these Terms and for any materials specifically permitted for storage on the Website, such as .pdf materials. The pages may be viewed and inspected on a computer or other similar device, and parts of these pages may be printed for the User’s own personal use. The distribution of Website content even in part is prohibited without the separate written advance consent of the Service Provider.

WORLD VISION is a trademark of World Vision International. Access to the Website must not be construed, implicitly or otherwise, to grant a license or other right to use any trademark appearing on the Website without the prior written consent of the Service Provider, trademark owner or third party.

The intellectual property rights to the User’s own materials that the User adds to the Site (such as photos and videos) remain with the User.

7. Third-party services on our Website

7.1. Google services

We have integrated the services of Google Ireland Limited (“Google”), located in Ireland and listed below, within our Website. In using Google services on our Website, Google can also process your personal data. We cannot exclude the possibility that Google also delivers information to servers located in the United States. Google is committed to observing the transfer procedures practised between the EU and the United States. You can find this additional information on Google’s page.

We cannot affect the way that Google processes your personal data and which data is concerned. Google’s privacy statement describes which information Google can process from those using its services.

To learn more about the technologies used by Google on websites with which Google services are integrated, go to Google. The purpose and extent of Google’s processing of your information, as well as your options regarding the protection of your rights and privacy in this regard, can be found in the Google privacy policy. More information regarding data protection settings can be found on Google’s page.

7.1.1. Google Maps

We use Google Maps. Google Maps is a map service whose purpose is to facilitate finding locations we have reported on our Website. When you use Google Maps, Google can process data connected with your use of map functions on our Website.

7.1.2. YouTube

Our Website also includes content generated via the YouTube video platform service. YouTube is a service offered by YouTube LLC, located in the United States. YouTube LLC is a subsidiary of Google Ireland Limited (“Google”). YouTube is integrated into our Website by means of the “iFrame” function. When you use content generated by the iFrame function, the possibility that YouTube or Google may process your personal data and send it to a server located in a third country cannot be excluded. We integrate content from YouTube on our Website so that we can make various videos available to you directly, so that you need not search for the content separately from YouTube. As a result, we can optimise our range and make your user experience more interesting. This is also our legitimate interest.

8. Processing of personal data

The Service Provider processes the Client’s personal data in the manner permitted and required by the personal data legislation in force at the time. More information regarding the processing of personal data can be found in the Service Provider’s privacy policy. Privacy policy statements concerning third parties utilising the service, e.g. Google Maps and YouTube, can be found from these service providers’ online services, and the User is urged to get acquainted with them.

9. Validity of Terms

These Terms apply to the public sections of the Website that are free of charge for use when visiting the Website.

10. Changes in Terms

The Service Provider has the right to make changes to these Terms. The updated terms and conditions are published on the Website and apply to the use of the Website starting from the moment of publication.

11. Applicable law and resolution of disputes

Finnish law shall be applied to these Terms, with the exception of its conflict-of-law provisions.

In the event that any dispute arises between the parties concerning these Terms and their application, the parties to the contract shall endeavour to resolve the disagreements concerned primarily by negotiation. If the parties do not achieve an amicable negotiation result in the matter, the disagreement shall be resolved on the first level in the District Court of Helsinki, Finland. A consumer Client may, however, take the dispute to a general lower court in his/her domicile or to the Consumer Disputes Board for resolution.

Privacy statement | Website terms and conditions of use | Contractual terms and conditions for World Vision products and services

Contractual terms and conditions for World Vision products and services

1. General

These terms and conditions (hereinafter the “Terms”) pertaining to the website (the “Website”) for paid products and/or services, as well as the free services requiring registration (hereinafter the “Services”), apply to World Vision Nordic ry (the “Service Provider”) and clients using the Services (the “Client”).

In addition to these Terms, the terms and conditions pertaining to the website shall be applied to the use of the Services.

Clients are both those persons who use the Services for their own use and those persons that use the Services as representatives of other interests (such as their employer).

Services include, for instance, sponsorship activities, one-time and monthly donations, Group Fundraising, and My World Vision sponsor portal.

In these Terms, purchase refers both to the buying of intangible gifts from the Service Provider’s online service and to becoming a one-time or regular donor.

2. Service Provider, language of communications and client support

World Vision Nordic ry (the “Service Provider”)
(Business ID: 0533334- 9)
Lautatarhankatu 6, FI-00580 Helsinki
Tel. +358 (0)96 818300

Contact person in matters concerning the purchase and use of Services:
Minna Clergeaud (

Communications connected with Services occur by choice of the Client with the language selection available on the Website (currently Finnish). Customer Service is provided in Finnish and English.

3. Which requirements are linked with registration and the purchase of Services?

Our Services can be used and purchased by fully-fledged private persons, i.e. those with legal capacity. In addition, enterprises and other legal entities (“Organisational Clients”) can use and purchase our Services.

The Client must provide correct information about him/herself (and the Organisational Client s/he represents) when dealing with sections of the Service that require personal data. The Client is responsible for ensuring that the information s/he provides is accurate and up-to-date.

3.1. Opening the My World Vision sponsor portal

The prerequisite is that the Client has a functional email address. Client can register as a user to the My World Vision sponsor portal on portal’s website.

3.2. Becoming a sponsor

In the case of a consumer Client, the sponsorship payer must be at least 18 years old. A consumer Client or Organisational Client who pays for a sponsorship may designate another person as a sponsor, for instance, a guardian can designate his/her child or an employer can designate an employee. The sponsor appointed can be below 18 years of age.

The appointed sponsor should provide consent to become a sponsor. Sponsorship requires the first name and surname of the appointed sponsor, as well as an email address to which sponsorship-related emails can be sent to.

3.3. Becoming a monthly donor

In the case of a consumer Client, the monthly donor must be at least 18 years old.

3.4. One-time donation

The prerequisite is that the Client has a method of transferring payment in use that allows one-time donation.

3.5. Opening the Group Fundraising service

The Client needs to have a valid email address and permission to add and publish information and/or images about other persons on the Internet to his/her Group Fundraising page, as well as permission from the photographers with regard to their own images.

3.6. Purchase of intangible gifts from our online service

The prerequisite is that the Client has a method of transferring payment in use that is required by our online service.

4. Activation of a Services-based contract

A binding Client contract comes into being when the Client concludes registration, subscription, purchase or donation operations. The Client is reminded to check the content of his/her payment procedures carefully before confirming each procedure. The Client understands and accepts that the procedures may involve obligation of payment (such as the donation total or remittance of the purchase price).

If the Client performs the above-listed procedures as a representative of an organisation or by using mobile subscriptions owned by the organisation, the Client ensures and warrants that s/he has the right to represent and maintain binding actions on behalf of the Organisational Client concerned.

If the Client requires changes to his/her donation plan, s/he may contact the Service Provider’s Customer Service regarding the effects of his/her changed situation on the content of the donation agreement.

5. Subject of contract

The subject of each contract (e.g. sponsorship, monthly donation, Group Fundraising) and the operational method of the Service will be described in connection with the ordering of the Service in question, as well as the Service-specific special conditions contained in these Terms.

The Client is responsible for the equipment related to the use of the Services and its data security, network connections and telecommunications charges.

6. Service range and prices

We aim to develop our Service range in accordance with our Clients’ needs and wishes. Our Service range changes and develops from time to time; we are also unable to vouch for the permanence of a certain Service.

Information, features, availability, price and delivery modes pertaining to Services are reported in connection with Service selection and purchase.

The prices of Services are in effect for the time being or for a period separately reported. The Services are charged on the basis of the price in effect at the time of order.

7. Methods of payment

Services can be paid for by means of the following methods of payment:

  • debit and credit cards (the cards that can be used are shown in connection with payment)
  • e-invoice
  • direct payment
  • MobilePay
  • SMS payment
  • cash
  • giro if requested

The Service Provider’s payment service partners are Stripe, Visma Pay and MobilePay, among others. Our payment service partners are shown in each case in connection with making payment. Payment is also subject to payment service partners’ own terms and conditions of use and, where applicable, the terms and conditions for the processing of personal data. We advise our Clients to acquaint themselves with the terms and conditions and privacy policies set by our payment service partners. As payment recipient, the Client’s statement may show the name of the payment service partner instead of World Vision Finland.

8. Responsibilities of Client

The Client is responsible for up-to-date maintenance of the personal data reported to the Service Provider as well as his/her contractual obligations pertaining to the Service s/he has selected.

It is also the Client’s responsibility to ensure that the Group Fundraising Service established by the Client has the required consents and rights, if the Group Fundraising Service includes personal data, images or other material protected by copyright or other means that are not owned by the Client.

It is the Client’s responsibility to carry out the sponsorship in accordance with good practice whilst valuing the sponsored child and committing to the terms and recommendations respective to sponsorship (with regard to, for instance, publishing the image and name of the sponsored child).

9. The Service Provider’s responsibilities and limitations on liability as well as force majeure

The Service Provider provides the Services as they are and does not guarantee the continued functionality, permanence or suitability of the Services for a particular purpose.

The Service Provider is obliged to compensate the Client only for such direct damage caused by the Service Provider with respect to negligent procedure in violation of the law or the contract between the Service Provider and the Client. This kind of direct damage customarily comprises the direct expenses caused by clarifying the damage, such as postal and telephone-related costs.

The Client does not have the right to receive compensation if the Client does not, within a reasonable period, report the defect to the Service Provider and present a demand for compensation as well as evidence of the damage incurred.

The Service Provider is not liable to the Client or a third party for indirect damage caused such as financial damage or non-obtained profit.

The Service Provider is not liable for actions by the Client or third parties, or damage incurred by these.

The Service Provider shall be released from his contractual and indemnification obligations if the performance of the contract is prevented or delayed by force majeure beyond the Service Provider’s control. Also in this sort of situation, the Service Provider should nevertheless endeavour to serve the Client in the best possible manner.

The terms concerning the limitation of liability shall not limit the rights arising from compelling legislation for the consumer Client. With respect to Organisational Clients, liability for defect on the part of the Service Provider shall be limited at most to the total price of the Services purchased by the Client.

10. Special terms and conditions of sponsorship activity

The following describes the special terms and conditions related to sponsorship activity which are applied to the Client in addition to the general Terms with regard to the Client in his/her role in such sponsorship activity. Further information about sponsorship activity is given in the sponsorship activity section of the Service Provider’s website, as well as in other related materials.

The monies donated for sponsorship activity do not go directly to the sponsored child: rather, they are used in the local region of the sponsored child in a development co-operation project intended to help many children.

The Service Provider appoints a new sponsored child to the sponsor automatically if the sponsored child moves away from the area of the regional development programme, the sponsored child no longer participates in the operations of World Vision or the sponsored child / family drops out of the sponsorship programme, or World Vision’s work in the region ends.

Sponsorship does not automatically end when the sponsored child turns 18. Sponsorship of the appointed sponsored child ends at the latest when the child has turned 21.

Communications between the sponsor and the sponsored child occur via the Service Provider, i.e. they do not communicate with each other directly by using contact information. In order to protect the privacy of the sponsored child, the sponsor does not receive contact information when the sponsorship ends.

The sponsor must not announce or publish, to/for anyone else, the surname, health information, or precise domicile of the sponsored child, nor personal information concerning next of kin of the sponsored child if these are known by the sponsor.

The sponsored child receives the following information connected with the sponsor:

  • the acquisition of a sponsor or the sponsor’s termination
  • a photograph of the sponsor, if the sponsor wishes to use the “let the child decide” type of sponsorship method
  • the first name and surname of the sponsor
  • the sponsor number
  • the amount of voluntary extra monetary gift (once a year there is a voluntary opportunity to provide an extra monetary gift in addition to the regular sponsorship payment agreed)

The sponsored child does not receive any information concerning the amount of the sponsorship payment remitted by the sponsor, nor whether the sponsor has remitted the monthly payment that s/he has selected.

The Service Provider needs information about the death of the sponsor from the sponsor’s heirs in order to terminate the sponsorship, as the Service Provider does not receive death data from the population register.

If the Service Provider does not have up-to-date contact information on the sponsor but donations are still received from the sponsor, the sponsorship and delivery of payments shall continue to be sent until the sponsorship payments are no longer received or the sponsored status of the child is terminated (the incoming donation money from the sponsor will nevertheless still be used for development co-operation).

If the Client has chosen repetitive payment as the payment mode for sponsorship activity, the Client alone will be able to terminate the remittances.

11. Special terms and conditions of the Group Fundraising service

The following describes the special terms and conditions related to Group Fundraising activity which are applied to the Client, in addition to the general Terms with regard to the Client in his/her role in such activity. More information is also provided about the Group Fundraising service in the section on the subject on our website, as well as in other Group Fundraising materials.

The campaign page created by the Client for the Group Fundraising service is public and is visible on the Internet. In accordance with the Terms, the Client is responsible for ensuring that s/he has sufficient permission and rights to publish the names and images of the persons concerned, as well as consent from the photographers respective to the images and from the rights holders of other protected materials.

The Client specifies the duration of the Group Fundraising campaign and receives automatic email messages during the campaign period regarding the progress of the campaign.

The Client should give the Service Provider his/her correct personal data when opening the campaign. The Client can use a screen name in his/her public Group Fundraising website if s/he so wishes.

On the Group Fundraising campaign page, the person making the donation can, in accordance with his/her choice, appear on the donation page under the person’s own name, screen name, or as an anonymous donor.

12. Right of cancellation

The consumer Client has a 14-day right of cancellation under the Consumer Protection Act for intangible gifts purchased from the Service Provider’s online service, unless an exception to the Consumer Protection Act applies (e.g. the service has been totally completed or the delivery of digital content has been initiated electronically before the end of the cancellation period due to the consumer Client’s request or consent, and the consumer Client has been notified of the absence of right of cancellation in such a case).

Donation decisions are contracts binding on the consumer Client from the moment the contract is entered into, and the right of cancellation related to distance and home-based sales is not applied to them.

The Organisational Client does not have the right to cancel content purchased from the Service or to cancel donation decisions.

13. Ending the client relationship

The following section details the client relationship termination methods. If the Client dies or is otherwise prevented from fulfilling his/her obligations for a longer period of time or permanently, the Service Provider may end the contract after having been notified about the Client’s death or failure to fulfil the contract. The Service Provider does not automatically receive information about, for example, the deceased or those placed under guardianship.

13.1. Ending My World Vision sponsor portal

My World Vision sponsor portal is operational at minimum during the period in which the Client engages in sponsorship activity.

Upon termination of the aforementioned Services, the Client can terminate the usage of My World Vision sponsor portal by notifying the Service Provider’s Customer Service of the termination request.

The Service Provider may terminate the My World Vision sponsor portal upon termination of the aforementioned Services and at his sole discretion on other grounds, such as the technical functionality of the Client’s equipment and data security software.

13.2. Ending sponsorship activity

The payer of sponsorship activity can terminate this activity by notifying the Service Provider’s Customer Service by post, email or telephone. Merely leaving payments non-remitted is not a notice of sponsorship termination.

The Service Provider can end sponsorship activity in the event that

  • the sponsorship payments remain non-remitted for at least four consecutive months
  • the sponsorship payments are repeatedly less than the agreed sponsorship amount
  • the sponsor (or payer, if the latter is different from the sponsor) is placed under guardianship
  • child protection rules connected with sponsorship are violated

The Service Provider will send a notice of termination to the payer using the most recent contact details provided by the payer.

13.3. Ending monthly donation

The payer of monthly donations can terminate this activity by notifying the Service Provider’s Customer Service by post, email or telephone. Merely leaving payments non-remitted is not a notice of monthly donation termination.

The Service Provider can end monthly donation in the event that

  • the monthly payments remain non-remitted for at least four consecutive months
  • the monthly payments are repeatedly less than the agreed sponsorship amount
  • the payer of monthly donations is placed under guardianship

The Service Provider will send a notice of termination to the payer of the monthly donation using the last contact details provided by the payer.

13.4. Ending the Group Fundraising service

The Client can terminate the Group Fundraising service by notifying the Service Provider’s Customer Service by post, email or telephone.

The Service Provider can end the Client’s Group Fundraising service in the event that

  • The person mentioned in the Group Fundraising campaign (e.g. the person whose birthday or anniversary is being celebrated) notifies the Service Provider of his/her unwillingness to be identifiable in the material
  • The content and/or implementation of the Group Fundraising campaign otherwise contains something illegal, inappropriate or, at the Service Provider’s discretion, otherwise justifies the termination of the Campaign
  • In the consideration of the Service Provider, there is otherwise sufficient justification to interrupt or terminate the Group Fundraising service created by the Client

The Service Provider may keep the fundraising pages created for the Group Fundraising service visible in its online service as part of its Group Fundraising archive, either in a format created by the Client or anonymised, to show examples of how the Group Fundraising service works.

14. Processing of personal data and cookies

The Service Provider processes the Client’s personal data in the manner permitted and required by the personal data legislation in force at the time. More information regarding the processing of personal data can be found in the Service Provider’s privacy statement.

15. Transfer of contract and changes in Terms

The Client does not have the right to transfer the contract to a third party. The Service Provider can transfer the contract to a third party by notifying the Client of the same.

The Service Provider has the right to make changes to these Terms. Should the Terms be amended in a manner that would materially impair the position of the consumer Client with respect to the Service s/he has already ordered or purchased, the Service Provider shall inform such Clients of the forthcoming change in the Terms and offer them the opportunity to terminate the contract before the changes take effect.

16. Applicable law and resolution of disputes

Finnish law shall be applied to these Terms, with the exception of its conflict-of-law provisions.

In the event that any dispute arises between these Terms and their application, the parties to the contract shall endeavour to resolve the disagreements concerned primarily by negotiation. If the parties to the contract do not achieve an amicable negotiation result in the matter, the disagreement shall be resolved on the first level in the District Court of Helsinki, Finland. However, the consumer Client may take the dispute to his/her domicile’s general lower court or to the Consumer Disputes Board.